illustrated butterfly illustrated butterfly

Janice Wilhelm

access consciousness®
bars and body process facilitator

My Story

Hi, my name is Janice Wilhelm from near Kincardine, Ontario overlooking beautiful Lake Huron. I got hurt playing hockey when I was fifteen and the growth plate in my spine didn't grow correctly. I struggled with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for 36 years until I found Access Consciousness.

After taking an Access Consciousness Bars class I started to see change and wanted to find out what else was possible. I started using the tools and having Access Bars and body processes run and now I am off all prescription medications and am pain free. I knew change was possible but I had tried so many different modalities and so many different avenues without much progress.

I am so excited and grateful to be well and happy. I am now giving sessions and facilitating classes. Please contact me if this has sparked your interest.

Services I Offer

I do sessions as well as facilitate classes. Please call or email me to schedule an appointment or find out about the next class offering.

Gift certificates available.

Access Consciousness Bars being performed

Access Bars®

Access Consciousness Bars is a hands on energetic body process. There are 32 points on the head when lightly touched allow you to release any limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. Recipients experience at the very least a great massage, but at best a change in their whole life.

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Access Consciousness body process being performed

Access Energetic Facelift™

Access Energetic Facelift is a unique, gentle hands on body process activating over 30 healing energies in your face and body. It also helps release judgement about aging, wrinkles, hot flashes etc. Recipients experience more vibrancy and glow in the skin after just one session and more permanent results are evident after multiple sessions.

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Access Consciousness Correcting vision being performed by Janice Wilhelm

Access Correcting Vision

Access Correcting Vision is a soft touch, hands on body process activating over 15 healing energies in the eyes and body and helps release judgements about vision and aging. Recipients have been known to not need readers after multiple sessions.

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Please Note: This is a complimentary therapy not intended to diagnose, treat or cure. Not intended to replace a medical professional.

What Clients are Saying

Intuitive Development Classes

The intuitive development circle has changed and been upgraded!

We are practicing ways of improving your intuitive abilities for practical use in your day to day lives to make life easier and have fun in the process.

Each week will be a different tool to get fun messages from spirit, improve communication skills with family and friends or business clients, and have lots of creative fun. It is a great way to meet new people with like-minded ideas as you learn from each other as well.

What You'll Learn

  • Angel cards
  • Crystals
  • Stepping into shoes
  • Angel pictures with melting crayons to get messages
  • Grounding
  • Dousing rods
  • Scrying
  • Meeting your guides, etc

These are a few of the things we do to make it fun! Does this sound like something you'd like to try?


Monday evenings at 6:15 for 8 weeks, 2 hours each week.


$333 investment in you.

Don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please share. Thank you.



Thank you for your interest. I hope to hear from you soon!

Site by Kaitlyn Threndyle